What is the NDIS?
The NDIS known as the national disability scheme is a platform where its primary objective is to provide support through a spectrum of services to those with disability under the age of 65.
The primary focus is directed towards those with disabilities to inherently empower their lives. The platform provides those with disability choice over their life. Supports are provided through services such as allied health, personal care, community involvement, and many more.
A plan is created by the NDIS which then allows funding to go directly to the participant requiring care. They are then able to decide where spending is required. Such a plan is created for those eligible, based on a needs and requirements assessment.
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17a The Crescent,
Homebush NSW 2140
Pendle Hill
Shop 60 2-12 Civic Avenue
Pendle Hill NSW 2140
Tel: 9746 7789 | www.hopevana.com.au
Email: contact@hopevana.com.au